Is it just me or is the beginning of a new year so exciting? Whether you've had the best 2014, or the worst, with 2015 looming it can be a chance to put the past in the past, or to conquer the world once and for all. A fresh start can also be quite daunting, especially when you have a list the length of your arm of ''Things to do in 2015'', but if you really break it down to what's important, it can be really easy to make those positive changes.
I was looking back over the last year with my sister, and we both realised we were really happy with our achievements for 2014. We both ran the Operation Transformation 5k in Febraury (and hopefully will again this year) and completed a 10k during the summer. For me, the laziest person in the world, that was a huge deal! Health and fitness is always top of my list for new year resolutions, and I think last year was the first year I actually made any changes to my lifestyle.
On the blog front, there were a few little achievements that kept me going this year. In January I started up my Youtube Channel which I had been wanting to get going for a while before that. I have almost 300 subscribers now, so in a year that aint bad! I was a finalist in the Aussie Blog Awards, shortlisted in the Blog Awards Ireland, featured in Xposé Magazine twice, I worked with some great brands like F&F, The Ultimate Girls Day Out, W7 Makeup and Perfectil, featured on the Primark Instagram (that was quite amazing) and on the College Times website as one of ''8 bloggers Students Should Follow''. I also bought my Canon DSLR and my Laptop this year. how was I even a blogger before that?
In my personal life, I also had a good year. I got into my degree course In LSAD and made the big move to Limerick, I decided what job I was going to get (before even knowing if there was a job available) and I got it, I celebrated 4 whole years with my amazing boyfriend and I started learning how to drive finally (I failed my first test, but I'll pass in 2015!). I wanted to do up this post so I can look back at it on the 31st of December 2015 and see what has changed for me because I keep losing the endless other lists that I've handwritten. And when I'm having a bad day and feel like a loser, I can look back at this and feel a little bit proud :)
I'm not doing anything major to ring in the new year, but I will be spending it with my sisters, eating food, watching tv and chatting about the last 12 months no doubt! I hope whatever it is you're doing that you have an amazing start to 2015, and no matter what kind of year you had last year, know that 2015 can be as great as you want to make it!!! Love you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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