Morning Routine

Yes, I admit it.. I am another ''I'm going to be healthy in January'' person. I like the idea of being kind to my body and fueling it properly. And why not do it when you feel a little motivated
by the new year. I think mornings are the best place to start. It's going to set you up for the day, hopefully keep you going until lunch, and make you feel awake and refreshed.

I eat porridge EVERY morning.. I have done since I started back at college in September. But I like to spice things up by stirring in a spoonful of peanut butter and a handful of raisins. I hate adding sugar to anything but my tea, so raisins sweeten it nicely. The peanut butter is also a good source of protein, which keeps you a little bit fuller for longer. I also make my porridge on mainly water with just a drop of milk. I don't know why, but I just started doing it.

This is what I had this morning; My porridge and a green tea. I hate plain green tea, but green tea with Jasmine is lovely. I add in a slice of lemon to add a bit extra flavour. So that's how I start my day. Simple, tasty and healthy.
