So it's a bit late coming, but I couldn't enter 2016 without recognising the transition with a blog post. I'm not sure if it's a 'looking forward to 2016' or a 'thinking back over 2015' post, but both are equally as important.
About a week ago I tried to compile a list of things I achieved in 2015, and I have to admit I couldn't think of too much. There wasn't a lot of big moments that stood out to me. But the more I thought about it I remembered a few minor moments. Like giving up sugar in my tea, for example. It's not major, but it was a big deal for me to finally give up my 2 spoons. It was something I did just for myself, and I'm never usually very good at keeping commitments to myself.
I've decided that for 2016 I don't need to make any major changes in my life. I did go through a bit of a shit moment in my life last year, but I came out the other side, and it made me stronger and happier in the long run. 2015 definitely reinforced in me 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger' and 'Everything happens for a reason'. If somebody had told me in January last year that such a massive thing was about to happen I would have said I couldn't deal with that. But I did. And I'm so proud of myself. I feel more genuinely me than ever now. So, 2016 will be about me, and my happiness in particular.
I began reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin in October, and I've been rushing through the last few chapters over the last few days. Gretchen basically dedicated a year of her life to her happiness, taking each month at a time and focusing on different things each month, like being a better partner, a better parent, being more patient, finding what you love, learning how to play, etc. I decided that this is the perfect way for me to change the little things about me that can lead to more happiness and less stress or bickering. So I want to exercise better, play more, work better, procrastinate less, fight better, be a better girlfriend/daughter/sister/auntie, make more time for friends, make new friends, blog more, enjoy now, do more yoga.. and so on.
So my only resolution for 2016 is to BE HAPPY. And if, on the 1st of January 2017 I can say that I am happy, then I will have achieved my goal.
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