DIY Balmain Inspired Blazer

 I know I'm not the only one who was drooling over the H&M X Balmain collection last November, and was so far off getting their hands on a piece it wasn't even funny! But why fork out your month's wages on one piece when you can have your very own stand out piece for the cost of your daily latte. Makes perfect sense doesn't it?! Read on to see how.


I think the most popular items were the jackets and blazers from the collection, becasue of course they are the most investment type pieces that you can wear again and again and that also add some serious style kudos to any look. I loved the double breasted button detailing on them, so that's what I tried to recreate myself.

All you need to create this look for yourself, or something similar, is:

A blazer (preferably double breasted)
Black and gold buttons (or all gold if you wish) 
Stitch ripper/Scissors
Thread to match the blazer
Sewing needle


Remove the buttons already on the blazer with a scissors or stitch ripper. Lay out the new buttons where you would like them to go, and take a photo to remember if you need to. Then, one by one, sew them on using a needle and thread. Keep them as straight as you can too and in line with the rest of the buttons. Sew them on until they feel very secure. And then you will have your very own, one of a kind, jazzy-as-hell blazer.

NOTE: if you dont have a double breasted blazer, just double up the buttons. They don't all need to have a button hole.

 Blazer DIY & Penneys // Trousers Zara 
