2014 til Now.. What happened to Fashion Floor Fillers?

 Well, it has been a while....

I'm not really sure where to begin to explain why I left or why I've come back. But I'll give you the short version.

2014: I got a bit bored and annoyed by my constant shopping and feeling like I needed to keep up with fast fashion and headed for a more slow approach and wanted to re-brand to a more sustainable image. The name 'Fashion Floor Fillers' came from my constant mess of clothes all over my floor, and I wanted to get away from that. I guess I felt like I needed a new name, but in all honesty, I've never loved a blog name as much since. That was my original baby. And I have thought about it and my regular readers constantly since making the change.

I made the transition to my new blog, Dream Love Style, all on my own, and lost a LOT of links and couldn't work out ho to redirect from my old blog to my new blog. So I was starting at square one again. I made this transition while I was spending 3 months in Berlin as part of my university degree. 

2020: Lockdown happened and I finally bit the bullet and transitioned AGAIN.. I turned my blog into more of a styling business and now I work more 1:1 with clients and helping them to build their dream wardrobe. But I reeeeeally miss blogging about everything and anything, but I'm not sure it;s so on brand for my business.

2021: So I'm back.. It took me a while to remember my logins for this site, but I felt a calling to come back so I thought I'd come and chat, and get back into writing. 

The moral of my story is... You don't need to completely change and start over to upgrade your morals or your image. It's been almost 5 years and I'm still sorry that I gave up on my original blog. I've lost a lot of my content from the last 5 years from jumping around to different URLs. And also, maybe my audience (you) would have enjoyed watching my transition to a slower way of enjoying fashion. I would also have documented it all in one place.

So this is me now.. Have I changed much? Apart from a fringe, and wasting less money on clothes, and being in my late twenties rather than my early twenties, I haven't changed all that much. 
