5 Ways to Kickstart your New Year

In January, with all this 'New Near, New Me' malarkey, it can actually be a pretty hard time of year, especially if you're not feeling very up for it. The January blues can hit pretty hard if the pressure of a whole new year hits you, and you're trying to think if you even achieved anything over the last year. It can be a bit of a downer sometimes, but here are a few of my tips for when I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with it all.

1. Get out in nature. The best way to clear your head and your mind is definitely getting outside, getting some fresh air and just being in nature. Whether it's a walk along the beach, a hike or even taking your dog for a walk somewhere remote it will be so beneficial. I recently went for a walk on Strandhill beach and even at this time of year, as cold as it is, it's so nice to take that time out and be away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

2. Plan a holiday/trip. This could be at home or abroad, but planning a trip is a surefire way to make you excited for the coming year. Whatever your budget, as long as you have the right people to do it with, it can be almost as exciting planning the trip as it would be to actually go. I'm currently in the process of planning a 3 month internship, possibly somewhere in Europe, and although it's scary as hell to be going off on my own, it's pretty exciting too. So even if you've got nobody to travel with, plan a trip for yourself and use it as a time to reconnect with yourself.

3. Declutter. Your mind. Your makeup bag. Your wardrobe. Your pile of opened, unimportant post that's still lying around for some reason. Get rid of anything that isn't serving you and anything you don't truly need or love. You know that feeling after you tidy your bedroom or your desk? Imagine having that all the time because your space isn't messy and cluttered anymore. Need more convincing? Read Marie Condo's Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.

4. Go for an angel card reading. Or to a psychic, if that's something you would be into. I went to an angel card reader yesterday and it was really inspiring and comforting to hear you're on the right path or what can be possible for you in the future. Whether or not you fully believe everything they tell you, it can be helpful to guide you in the right direction anyway. What I took from mine was to focus on myself and my career. And apparently I'm going to write a book in the future, so that's great.

5. Set a few simple goals. Not too many or it can be overwhelming. It could be to get fit and healthy, learn how to drive, start a blog, pick up an old hobby you used to love, or even as simple as vowing to be your best self for 2017 onwards, Write them down, plan out how you will put them into action and really look forward to achieving them. And belief in yourself that you will!

If any of you guys have anymore tips on how you like to get ready for a New Year, or any recommendations on where I should go on my Internship, leave them in the comments below.xx
